Basic Size Charts for Bracelets + Necklaces
Whether you're just starting out as jewelry designer, or if you've been making jewelry for years, one of the most important tips to instantly increase your sales is to make for everyone.  This means having a variety of sizes in your inventory.   When you take the time to think about all of your potential customers and their unique sizes, it will pay off. 

When I first started making jewelry, specifically bracelets, I would use my wrist as a general reference for how big to make a bracelet.  I quickly realized (within minutes of showing my first design to a coworker) that I have tiny wrists and should NEVER measure my own to make bracelets for other people.  

The general rule for women's bracelets is 7”.  So, if you plan on making wholesale bracelets, this size should be the bulk of your inventory.   Whether you are selling your jewelry at craft markets, jewelry shows, on etsy, or on your own online store, having a wide range of sizes will appeal to more people.  That's the end goal, right? To sell more, make your customers happy, and to make your jewelry desired by everyone.   Having size options allows your customers to choose what's right for them.  Options, including size and color, makes the shopping experience and purchase more personalized.  Make a few bracelets for your customers with small, petite wrists, and a few for larger wrists.  Your customers will appreciate it, and you’ll increase your overall sales because your designs will be tailored to everyone.  

The chart below is a basic guideline for average bracelet sizes and are approximate measurements.  When determining the size of your bracelet, you should take into account the length of the clasp you are using, as some clasps are longer than others.

Bracelet Sizing Chart for Women:
Petite: 6-6.5"
Average: 7"
Large: 8"
Extra Large: 8.5" +

Bracelet Sizing Chart for Men:
Small: 7.5"
Average: 8"
Large: 8.5-9"
Extra Large: 9.5"

Necklace Size Chart 

This same rule applies to making necklaces: always have a range of sizes!  Necklaces are easier to accommodate for all of your customers because you can use extension chains to lengthen the necklace or you can make adjustable sliding knot necklaces using cord or Indian leather

Women's Size Chart for Necklaces
Collar Necklaces: 14-15 inches
Collar Necklaces sit tightly around the neck
Choker Necklaces: 15-16 inches
Choker necklaces sit at the base of the throat
Pendant Necklaces: 18-19 inches
Matinee Necklaces: 18-24 inches
Sit above the bust
Opera Length: 28-32 inches
Sit at the bust or about 1-2 inches below
Rope Length: 42-45" +
Sits below the bust, at or below the navel


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