Essentials for Selling Jewelry at Craft Markets
Running a successful market is definitely a learning process.  If you're new to the world of craft markets, you may need some preparation tips.  It's great to focus on the quality of your products and making sure you have enough inventory, but don't forget these must have items!


Most markets require a 10 x 10 white tent.  You can find nice 10x10 white tents on amazon. If you're on a budget or just starting out, you can find cheap tents at walmart or target, or try searching ebay or craigslist for lightly used tents.  If you have room in your budget, ez pop up tents with removable side walls are great.  This will help with shade if it's a hot day, or block the rain! 

Long markets can be exhausting.  It's good to have a chair to relax during slow times.

Try finding tables that easily fold, like this one.

Bring a nice table cloth.  You can think outside the box when it comes to covering your table. We've seen some people use vibrant shower curtains, colorful sheets, or tapestries to cover their table.  Make your tent unique, and you'll instantly stand out from the crowd.

Table Risers! You don't want customers to have to bend down to see your products.  Having a higher table makes it easier to browse and shop.  Walmart has cheap bed risers for less than $7 that work perfectly.

How will you display your jewelry? You can use jewelry stands, table mannequins, or displays you make yourself.  Check out our Pinterest board for unique booth set ups. 

(image taken from pinterest)

(image taken from Pinterest)

Make one trip from your vehicle using a cart or a fold up dolly!

-Pens/Sharpie (maybe you want to create an email list for customers to sign up for?)
-Scotch packing tape  (for securing items to your table)
-Safety Pins (for hanging lights, securing table cloths)
-Extension Cord.  If you're doing an outside market, most fire codes require waterproof extension cords.
-Bungee Cords
-Zip Ties
-A mirror so your customer can see what the product looks like on
-Lights. If you're doing a night market make sure you bring sufficient lighting!
-Bottled water & snacks
-Hand sanitizer/wipes
-Depending on location...sunscreen & bug spray can be helpful

You may not need all of these items, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared


How do you plan on accepting payment?  Customers will choose different methods of payment, some prefer paying with cash, some just have a credit card on them, and others prefer to use apps like PayPal, Square, Cash-App, or Venmo.

Why not accept all? You'll attract more customers and hopefully make more sales.

Yay for cash sales! They're always easy.  Just make sure you ALWAYS bring change and a calculator.  A lot of people shopping around at markets bring cash, so make sure you have enough change for your customers.  We recommend bringing at least $100 in change, with a lot of 1's, 5's & 10's.  This can vary depending on your inventory.  If you have a lot, bring more change, if you're running a smaller market $100 should be fine.

Credit + Debit Cards
Square is a great tool for jewelry designers, ESPECIALLY if you are selling products through Etsy.  Did you know you can sync all of your products on Etsy to Square?  This will make your life a lot easier.  Simply create an account through square and link your Etsy account.  Read more here.

Square will also send you a FREE credit card reader that plugs right into your phone.  You can also purchase a chip reader at a great price, which may be a good investment if you plan on doing many markets.

Cash Apps
Apps are easy, so people love using them.  PayPal, Venmo, & Cash App are all user friendly.  You can easily transfer funds received to your bank.  Paypal is a nice alternative to credit cards or cash, because you can create invoices and receipts for orders.


Make sure you price everything! 

If you're selling unique, one-off pieces it's a good idea to price each item
You can find cheap mini prices tags at Michaels or on Amazon

If you're selling wholesale jewelry, you have some options.
A trend we've seen lately is having mini chalkboards with prices on them.  This is a great idea because you can reuse the signs and fix the prices when needed.

Michaels has cheap chalkboard stands for less than $4.  You can also buy chalkboard paint and make your own using pieces of wood. 

Another way to display prices is to use picture frames.  Simply write or print your prices on a sheet of paper and place in the frame.  We've seen old picture frames from thrift stores re-purposed for this project.

This is obviously optional, but vendors will frequently have "show specials" where they discount items.  Discounts work.  People love deals!

Marketing Items + Packaging

Markets can be an amazing marketing opportunity! Make it possible for customers to remember your name.

Bring business cards
Include your name, address, email or phone, and social media websites so customers can follow you and see where your next market will be.

Use your packaging as a marketing tool
You can market your business through your packaging as well.  Create gift bags with your business name on them. If it's in your budget, logo stamps are a great, easy tool to create personalized gift bags for your customers.  Vistaprint also has great marketing options.  You can get your logo printed on a variety of stickers, bags, and pretty much anything you desire.

Best marketing item? A friendly smile ;)
You worked hard to get where you are, so put on a smile and really enjoy the market experience.  Be open to new friends and make conversations with everyone that stops by your booth. 

Aesthetics is important.  You want your customers to enjoy their shopping experience in your tent.  Having a well organized, clean booth with visible prices and nice decorations will make all the difference. 

What kind of jewelry do you sell? If you sell beach jewelry, for example, decorate your booth with shells, drift wood, & beach decor.  Think about the style of your brand, and have your booth represent it!

We've LOVE to hear your feedback.  Everyone's market experience is different.  Don't see something on this list? Let us know!

Let's help each other be successful.



Date 6/26/2018


Date 11/25/2024

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